North Country Healthcare is pleased to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Cooley, Primary Care/Family Medicine, has been recognized by the New Hampshire Hospital Association as this year’s winner of the James A. Hamilton Founder’s Award winner.
The James A. Hamilton Founder’s Award is one that is presented only as appropriate for outstanding service to health care on behalf of the people of New Hampshire. This distinguished service may be made directly in health care or through related activity in government, education, the humanities or the environment. The recipient shall be a person whose integrity and constant commitment are evident to those around them, and whose extraordinary achievement or exceptional contribution in the interest of human health and well-being has extended into the local community, state or nation.
Dr. Cooley was recognized as an excellent clinician who is passionate, driven and impactful. Her personal contributions to her hospital and practice, her patients and the region are far-reaching.
Dr. Cooley is widely known for sharing her expertise, leadership and insights to improve overall population health in our region. One example resulted in a grant award worth over $1.2 million to initiate a Mobile Integrated Health program in the area. The program uses paramedics in the community to supplement primary care for patients struggling with chronic health conditions, who suffer from social determinants of health, who are at risk of hospitalization readmissions or who have acute needs that require additional monitoring and support. Paramedic visits may include blood pressure checks, vital signs, medication reconciliations, and home safety checks. Results are shared with primary care providers to enhance a comprehensive treatment plan for the patient. Dr. Cooley is the program’s Medical Director.
There were several other important initiatives undertaken by Dr. Cooley which all point to better health outcomes. As was aptly stated in the nomination, “not only do her colleagues respect her expertise, but her patients also appreciate her thoroughness and exceptional care.”
Congratulations, Dr. Cooley, on this wonderful and well-deserved recognition. We are proud of you!