World Breastfeeding Week – an annual event that aims to protect, promote and support breastfeeding – runs Aug. 1 thru 7. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), breastfeeding offers various benefits including: 1. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for most babies; 2. Breastfeeding can help protect babies against some short- and long-term illnesses and diseases; 3. Breast milk shares antibodies from the mother with her baby; 4. Mothers can breastfeed anytime and anywhere; and 5. Breastfeeding can reduce the mother’s risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Natalie Valliere, a Registered Nurse in the Valley Birthplace at AVH, Women’s Services department, is a Certified Lactation Counselor and an excellent resource for new and expecting moms.